Posted in Translation

Ashes of Love (Chapter 19)

Little Fish God led the Ying Shou through the milky way, which engulfed us in a complete silence, its countless stars twinkling beneath our feet.

Riding atop the Ying Shou, I smoothed its fur and said to Little Fish God, “Run Yu, although you hold a high position, I think the Sun God has the more interesting job.”

“Oh? And how is that?” he paused in his steps and turned to look at me.

“Well, the Sun God works during the day, when everything is alive.  Now, deep into the night, everything’s gone to sleep.  It’s dead silent, and all you have for companionship is this mute little Ying Shou.  You haven’t even anyone to talk to.  It seems quite lonely.”

Little Fish looked down at the stars that glittered beneath his feet and smiled lightly at his reflection.  “Only those who’ve experienced liveliness know the meaning of loneliness.  I’ve been alone for hundreds of thousands of years.  I eat by myself, learn magic by myself, read by myself, sleep by myself.  I’ve never known companionship, so how could I be lonely?”

I tilted my head and mused, “I sleep late.  If you’re bored, you could come find me, or I could come to you.  Two people are better than one.  Where do you live?”

Little Fish looked back up, and his eyes, which held the reflection of those shattered stars, were clear as glass.  “At the rainbow, in the midst of the dark forest, there lies my Chu Xuan Ji Palace.  It’s where you accidentally came upon me the other day.”

I nodded and handed him a packet of seeds I held up my sleeve. “These are seeds for tuberose, which blooms in the night.  In the day, the petals fold as the flowers rest, just like you.  Perhaps they could be your companions.”

Run Yu took the seeds and smiled at me, “Many thanks, Jin Mi.”

“Not at all! Only . . . could you promise not to take me back to the water cave?  Couldn’t I stay with Your Highness at Chu Xuan Ji for a few days?”

He replied, “Since I invited you out of the Water Cave, I necessarily wouldn’t take you back.  It would be my honor to host you at my palace.  The only thing is, if the 24 Priestesses notice you missing, they will no doubt come to the Heavens to search.  Thus, I don’t think the Heavens are the safest place for you just now.”

“There’s much sense in that,” I said, nodding. “But I don’t know the six realms well.  Do you have thoughts as to where I should go?”

Little Fish smiled gently without answer.  He merely led the Ying Shou forward until we reach the end of the Milky Way.  “The Milky Way forms the boundary between the Heavens and Earth.  Once we cross this boundary, we’ll be among the mortals.  There, it’ll be hard for anyone to detect your aura.”

“Your Highness is truly a genius among the Heavens!”  I praised enthusiastically.

He helped me down from the Ying Shou, onto the red earth.

Run Yu found a residence for me in the mortal realm and helped disguise me as a boy.  I hardly had time to look myself in the mirror before the Earth Spirit sniffed out our presence and barged in.

“Uh . . . ” It was only after the Earth Spirit stared at my neck for awhile that I realized my hair tie was too long and had slipped beneath my collar.  Run Yu carefully fished it out so that it wouldn’t cause any itch. Once he finished adjusting my hair tie, he turned to the Spirit and said, “I hope you’ll forgive our intrusion into your territory.”

The Spirit bowed respectfully and replied, “It’s my supreme honor to behold Your Highness, to see your elegant and powerful form with my own eyes, I–”

“This is my good friend, Ling Guang.  Due to some personal reasons, he will be staying here for a few days.  I hope you can look after him.”

I thought the name Ling Guang was pretty good, so I agreed to it.

The Earth Spirit didn’t seem to mind the interruption.  He turned to me in excitement and said, “Greetings, Mr. Ling Guang!”  He then promised Run Yu: “I formed this mountain, these paths.  I’m the master here!  If anyone wishes to harm Ling Guang in the least, they’ll have to do it over my dead body.”

Hmm, strong words . . .

Run Yu whispered to me: “This Spirit used to be a bandit.”

I nodded in understanding.

“Then I thank you, Earth Spirit,” Run Yu said politely.

“Erm . . . ” The Earth Spirit’s clever eyes traveled back and forth between Run Yu and me, then said, “To be honest, my eyesight isn’t great and I can’t see well in the night.  All I saw outside were two blurry figures. Please don’t me, Your Highness.  Please, continue, continue . . . I’ll take my leave now.”

I watched this Spirit with his failing eyesight close the door with precision and scamper away in the dark, avoiding all the holes and obstacles.  What did he mean, continue?  Could it be that Run Yu had something important to do?  I quickly turned and echoed, “Little Fish God, please continue!”

He chuckled and pressed his forehead in exasperation.



A baby lawyer taking a rest from her job in the world of art, literature, and television.

2 thoughts on “Ashes of Love (Chapter 19)

  1. Fixing someone hair with body contact is an act of intimacy between lovers, I guess. And JM appears as a male. LOL.


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